We see what we want to see

Disney Customer service Keynote speaker
Accidental screen shot yesterday. Just noticed that it happened exactly as Mickey was blinking.


A busy December schedule can blind us to the incredible joy of the season. The world at the time (2015 years ago), was actually in the moment of a savior being born. Incomprehensible.

Yet, all these years later, Christians have the conscious ability to comprehend it.

But do we?

i find this time of year (December) especially busy. And each year i vow it will be different next year and all the years in the future.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Advent 2015 began yesterday

2016 Catholic Missal
Yesterday. It was fun to be the first to open this book.


Advent 2015 began yesterday.

Most years it goes by in a blur.


When will it stop feeling rushed?

Yesterday began the new year (2016) for the Catholic Church.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

The devil’s secret weapon

Will Power book
This book was randomly on an empty table across from ours.


The devil’s secret weapon is simply this. The devil doesn’t make us bad. The devil makes us busy.

In our busy-ness, we cut corners and neglect things we never should.

The devil delights in this.

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Too busy to attend Church?

Florida Morning Glory wildflower
Morning. Glory. (on yesterday’s run)


Subway breakfast
After the run, a father/son bicycle trip for a Sunday Subway breakfast.


Too busy to attend Church?


Praying it doesn’t become an easy habit to continue.

PS. The recipe for being at peace in a turbulent world is to make Church every step you take. Like helping your son exercise more.

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