Three small reasons prompted a small change – a metaphor for life

jeff noel
First paid haircut in 30 years. Prior to that Cheryl cut it.


Three things prompted a paid haircut, in chronological order:

  1. Assigned to provide two keynote speeches for a global hair cut franchise
  2. Wanted to see if a brief break from this chore would benefit Cheryl
  3. It was scary because it had been done consistently by the same person for 30 years

The avatar photo was a random coincidence because the photo was taken so that when the next person asked how would you like your hair cut, we could simply use the photo to say, “Like this”.

Been getting a haircut at the establishment ever since – five years and counting.

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“Can you change that?”, I asked, trying not to smirk

sunset view from Hotel room
view from Hotel room, freezing temps outside


What I could have asked the cab driver as conversation turned to how much he’s bothered by his fellow Catholics attending only Easter and Christmas Masses.

“Can you change that?”, I asked, trying not to smirk.

“No”, he said.

What if I had asked, “Does thinking that way make you feel like a better Catholic?”

Mind, body, spirit, so let’s give a moment to think about our work today, punch in here.