Are you crystal clear?

Bronze Mickey Mouse statue
Yesterday at Disney’s Casting Center.


Disney Casting Center lobby
Disney cartoon characters on pedestals in Disney’s Casting Cener lobby. “It all started with a Mouse”. – WED


We metaphorically put the most important thing up on a pedestal.

Another option is to wear a manifestation of it (crucifix) around our neck.

Or we can have our every step proclaim what’s most important to us.

Flashback: i used to take my crucifix off when “wrestling/playing” on the floor with our two-year old. One day i left it off for two years. A reminder that he won’t know what i value by what i wear, only by what i do.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Dear Son, doubt like you mean it

protest billboard
Many people have a narrow view of a bigger picture.


Dear Son, doubt like you mean it. It will make you more convicted when you eventually land on what you believe in.



This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

Are you unwilling to be comfortable?

Florida vulture at trash can
Yesterday was the first time i’ve ever seen a vulture rummaging through trash. Not part of the natural ecosystem.


Are you unwilling to be comfortable?

To feel comfortable we are steadfastly moving from selfish to selfless.

To feel comfortable we are living without the desire for material possessions.

To feel comfortable that our peace and contentment is our driving ambition.

To know that we are loved.

To be comfortable loving without expectation.

Am i unwilling or willing?

Totally willing.


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