Ever Want To Desperately Talk To Someone But Where Completely Afraid To?

Seize The Day, Overcome Fear, Or Live With Regret

After the YMCA sponsored event, hundreds of people mixed and mingled, but relatively briefly, because most had to be at work by 9am. The Guests of honor would be long gone by the time I exited. But wait, could it be? Yes Patrick Henry Hughes and his Father. But what would I say? (too afraid to say anything, really) So I watched them disappear around the corner.

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Pray, Love, Eat

Why did Eat, Pray, Love become a best selling book and movie? Is it because we lived vicariously through another’s courage? It’s safer to dream, isn’t it, than it is to act, to live, to really live.

Where is our courage? What would our book and movie be called?

I’d go with Pray, Love, Eat.

It just seems like a better priority…Next Blog