Please pardon the profanity

Disney Customer Service Speaker jeff noel
The Internet makes the spread of messages easy.


Please pardon the profanity…every so often something is in our path that the first spontaneous words out of our mouth are, “Holy sugar bear”…

This is one such moment.

(update 09.28.15…the video link below isn’t working at the moment. Sorry. Please use your imagination for something great…maybe the Pope’s visit to America.)

Jesus would be smiling, clapping and humming along to this.

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Are you willing to walk away?

Nautical art on Disney World restaurant wall
Columbia Harbor House art at Magic Kingdom


Authenticity definition
The quiet movement happen right now is called authenticity.


Are you willing to burn the ships, to walk away?

To walk away from trying to conform to what you think the world, your Family, your spouse, etc. wants from you?

There is a quiet movement underway.

It’s called authenticity.

See photo above and do a quick personal inventory and give yourself grade.

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Would being an OCD idiot benefit someone else?



(photo: Deplaning at Orlando-Sanford airport yesterday after a 10-day trip with Family.)

Praying that he gets the courage or the resources to take action.

The guy on the left has the type of mole on his chin that exceeds all the warning signs for getting an unusually large, irregularly shaped and dark colored mole looked at.

It’s not on the bottom of his chin where it would be more hidden, but front and nearly center so that every time he sees himself it reminds him.

Praying that he has already taken action and it’s benign, and that I’m an OCD idiot.

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To whom much has been given (that would be all of us)

Storyteller's Cafe at Disneyland resort
Life is short, learning pace is up to us.


Much of what we fear and hope for is influenced by media.

Much of what we imagine will be required for true success is relatively untested until we actually do a bunch of scary things and see how it turns out.

Ultimately, there is no one size fits all. No well-worn path to success. No recipe.

So we must develop our own convictions. This is exciting and scary simultaneously.

That is, until we tackle enough scary stuff to actually make progress past what we thought was just a pipe dream.

It is breaking through to the mostly unknown that we truly begin to see faith, hope, and blessings beyond measure.

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We must find our own peace and contentment

Business card
Best place to get a card like this is at this place


He told his friend he thought about the previous night’s conversation and wanted to say his goodbyes now, at dinner.

His friend had said how he has suffered enough in his life and that death would be a welcomed relief. He wasn’t contemplating suicide, but simply stating that if he died, his pain would be gone.

Fear is a bloody liar. So the conversation last night included a goodbye, just to bring peace to the joyful person.

Pretty sure it caught the tired person off guard.

Authenticity is strength. And peace.

No secrets.

But still use our best judgement.

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