What Is Church?

Two Were Gathered Here, in 2005
Two Were Gathered Here, in 2005

We are taught many things in our lifetimes. Information. Lessons.

When we are young, we are taught to respect adults and trust that they know what they are talking about.

Once we become adults, we realize how many questions we have that still remain unanswered.

Like, “What is Church?”

Perhaps Church is anywhere there are two or more gathered to serve in God’s name, like yesterday, in our car.

what DOES Easter mean to you?

Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs, Right?

Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs, Right?

Today we have a nine-year old third-grader from Orlando, Florida joining us to share some wisdom.

He doesn’t blog for the same reasons most people do. He blogs because his Dad makes encourages him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you can spare two more minutes, I give you Chapin Noel. Take it away Chapin:

HI! Me again!

Or should I say, Me again?

Anywho, I’m going to be here again. (and please go on my site too!)

Also, I bet the name is a dead giveaway: what DOES easter mean to you?

My thoughts about easter are the facts which we have to face: it’s not all about what we traditionally do:

  • It’s not about candy
  • It’s not about easter egg hunt

It’s about Jesus. And I know that tons of people around the world take it for granted. But some people believe. And I know, I just know, that at least one person is inventing something more to easter that he/she/it thinks will make him/her/it happy.

But that person is wrong. Sure, it will make them happy, but that’s not what it’s about. It’s about giving, being with family, and especially Jesus. Giving food to the poor, charity, and all the good things that we can do to make the world better. Not economically, not by recycling, but by spirituality

note: Please come to my website too! (It’s a pretty cool blog for a third grader) I hope you put this blog post to good use. and (as I always end my blogs) bye! 🙂

Began Blogging In 2nd Grade
Began Blogging In 2nd Grade

Too Complicated?

This Was For You
This Was For You

“One of the great dichotomies we face is that because our lives are so complicated, we don’t have time for ourselves. And at the same time, we often keep our lives so complicated, so we don’t have to address some of our inner issues.” — Living The Simple Life

Good Friday and Easter are almost here.

Are you ready?

Does it cross you mind all year long?

What if it did?

Passion Sunday Was?


On a scale of 1 to 10, how consciously aware of each passing moment are you?

It’s challenging isn’t it?

To be fully present. All of the time.

As we were driving to Church yesterday morning, I told Cheryl that parking will be a challenge.


Because yesterday was Passion Sunday.

But I was wrong.

The parking lot was not overflowing.

There was no standing room only.

Vacant parking spaces.

(Those attending held a palm and waved it back and forth as the alter boys and alter girls, Eucharistic Ministers, the Lectors, the Deacon, and the Priest proceeded through the congregation)

And there was something else.

Vacant seats.

Life is hard. Time marches on.

Fit For A King?
Fit For A King?