The classic race most of us run is the daily race against time – part two older blog post
To shed ourselves of unneeded things is life’s greatest challenge.


(photo: windshield wiper going back and forth like a metronome on a 10-hour drive)

The classic race most of us run is the daily race against time – part two.

Who’s got time to start each day on bended knee?

This is exactly why we can’t find even one minute to pause before the day begins.


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So much of life is consumed with just going through the motions

Mid Life Celebration book in Las Vegas
Wake up call in a short, easy to read book


So much of life is consumed with just going through the motions.

And nearly everyday we promise ourselves this is gonna change.

Do not fear going slowly.

Fear not going at all.

Any progress is progress.

It adds up.

And it may take years. Decades even.

We never see the tree grow, but it does.

Indeed it does.

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The person we want to be and the person we actually are should one day become…

Oscar Wilde quote on office door grease board
The perils of the dreamer… unknown to many


Difficult to wake up and be grateful all day, everyday.

Isn’t it?

Yet it’s our number one responsibility as a person who confesses humility and gratitude to an omnipotent God.


The person we want to be and the person we actually are should one day become the same – sooner rather than later.

If not today, when?

Like someone overcoming addiction, we triumph one day at a time.

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