Oh My Gosh, Dear Lord

Dear Lord, thank you for yesterday’s challenge? Oh my gosh, second straight month this child has tested my patience with disruptive behavior. Last month from the back row while Cheryl spoke. But yesterday, from the front row, while I spoke.

As obvious as the opposing fans behind the basketball backboard waving those noodles. But I’m completely engaged with launching the sermon – about Jesus’ authority of all topics. Aghast by his blatantly disrespectful mocking, and his undeterred behavior, even with my improvisation to call it out in hopes he’d stop.

I quickly drew every child’s attention to the image below and launched a different sermon than intended…

This is what gives Jesus authority over other teachers.

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What we accept by default becomes our standard.
Play by the rules? Seriously. Who's rules? Sounds fishy to me.

Forgiveness. How powerful is it? My human nature and abundant curiosity has me associate former President Clinton with the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. For goodness sakes, the President and an intern. How is that remotely acceptable?

And yet, we have found the grace and mercy (or maybe we are just numb) to forgive the leader of the United States of America. It seems the good he did outweighed, and still outweighs, the bad. He’s a lucky man.

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God’s Complaint Department?

Seriously, Last Night At Dinner
Seriously, Last Night At Dinner

What is there to complain about?

With some people, it’s everything.

Others, well, they are keenly aware life’s journey will never be easy.

So what to do?

Simply this, take solace in knowing that you do not need to journey alone.

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