Gold-medal sorry

Glacier National Park
GNP. Photo: GNP staffer. Looking down on Logan Pass.

The best apology is changed behavior.


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Note to self

Disney's Casey's Corner
Co-dependent on Disney?


Note to self.

As difficult as it may seem, you must not become codependent.

This serves no one.

Plus, it traps you into believing the wrong things and doing the wrong things.

Heck yeah it can make you feel guilty.

So ask yourself, “Guilty of what?”

You free your children, and teach your children, when you let them make their own mistakes.

Same applies to aging parents.


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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy posts about our WORK, click here.


Ever feel guilty for feeling great?

Steve Jobs Mid Life Celebration phone
Steve Jobs with Mid Life Celebration’s iconic red old-school phone.


Feeling guilty about feeling so good?

Ever feel guilty for feeling great?

Crazy thing though, the problems challenges faced in midlife are bigger than in our previous decades.

What’s different is our wisdom, strength, and patience to manage the stuff that’s in our control.

Self confidence grows through strenuous self examination.

It’s our job to master this and hone what works best for us.

Self examination can be steadily grown, even accelerated. Writing and speaking help.

And what helps even more is the time consuming preparation required to write and speak authentically.

How i do it and how you do it could be polar opposites.

Pretty cool huh?

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Diversity of perspective is a glorious gift and sometimes rare

Funny  Canadian Hockey shirt


(photo: Not everyone understands hockey or what a farm team is… )

Did you exercise this morning?

Yesterday morning?

Day before that?

After yesterdays run, an important phone call.

Turned out to be extraordinary.

Have been feeling an unjustifiable guilt for not accepting an offer to help some folks.

On the call, without trying or knowing, turns out a neutral party totally gets it.

Without going into details it was…



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Do not carry this too far

Sleeping, homeless Las Vegas person
Sleeping, homeless Las Vegas person pre-dawn temp was 40-degrees


Las Vegas homeless congregated on this walking bridge
Las Vegas homeless congregated on this walking bridge


Do not carry this very far.

It’s too heavy.

Way too heavy.

Dump it.

Drop it.


Do not look back.

Only look forward.

And know it won’t be long until you will have another opportunity to help someone less fortunate.

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