It Was Six Months Before God’s Plan Started To Take Shape For jeff noel


When I told the director how little I knew about public speaking, he said something unexpected and enlightening, “We don’t want you for your speaking credentials, we want you because of your in-depth operational knowledge of, and your from-the-heart passion for, our product”.

He said speaking techniques could be taught, and that what I had, couldn’t.

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jeff noel, A Preacher Or A Comedian, Eh?


When I told Carol she had the wrong person, she said, “You’re jeff noel, right?” Of course, I said. And asked her to figure out how she got my name and call back, because none of this interviewing for a professional speaker thing was making sense.

Long story short, my first Disney supervisor floated my name during a luncheon, and the rest, as they say, is history. I’m going somewhere with this….and it has to do with spirituality.

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When jeff noel Was Given An Opportunity He Didn’t Know What To Do

The phone rang one crazy busy day (1998) when I was a Concierge Manager at Orlando’s finest Resort property. Carol, the caller, wanted to set up my interview with the director of a world class benchmarking and professional development operation. I told Carol she had the wrong person.

Professional speaker? Me? Why? Why now? After serious thought it came down to a crazy notion in the back of jeff noel’s head, “God must want me to be a preacher or a comedian, so I’ll need this public speaking experience”.

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New Day

University of New Mexico early morning run 2011

Ever try to calculate the value of another brand new day? When I’m able to carve out time for a morning run while traveling, amazing messages call out to be noticed. This chalk message at the University of New Mexico was a profoundly positive, and an unexpected way to be reminded of the basics.

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Blogging Is Good. Amen, Amen, So Be It

Hubspot says, Amen

Blogging. Amen. So be it. In everything give thanks. Even blogging? Yep, even blogging. There is a magical power to putting words on paper that I felt possibly existed, but not until immersing myself, did the magic come alive.

I once heard a speaker who said, “Don’t die with a book in you”.

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