Same Old Same Old

Even On The Opposite Corner Of The US
Even On The Opposite Corner Of The US

Every morning it’s the same old thing. Isn’t it.

Habit. Routine. Maybe even drudgery.

Wake up. Go to the bathroom. Come back. Get down on my knees. Say three prayers. The same three.

All day long, be nice to people. Use your manners. Do a little more than others expect. Be thankful. Be happy. Brush your teeth. Laugh.

Never get bored with the basics.

Next blog

“Please Bless Everyone Gathered Here…”

A Strong Foundation Is Key
A Strong Foundation Is Key

So I began with the prayer with the blog title here and then continued on with this:

“All the adults and all the children.

Dear Heavenly Father, please bless the adults with your wisdom and your guidance to complete a successful year.

And please bless the children with the determination to serve, to strive and not to yield.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

Our Pack leader agreed, just before the inaugural meeting started – short and sweet – 1st & 2nd graders attention spans must be respected at 7PM.

There is an art to saying a lot with a little.

It works with 6 and 7 year olds, and it’s effective at work too.

Exciting News

Where Will This Lead?
Where Will This Lead?

Have you ever felt totally vulnerable? I mean, to our entire world? Me neither. Until last year.

What started years ago as a half-hearted, but well-intentioned effort to blog, has now become a labor of love.

Five blogs daily. Every day. Crazy. Wonderful. Exciting.

A couple weeks ago, I humbly invited any followers to consider being a Guest Blogger in one of the five areas – Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ.

Tomorrow, you will meet Bob, a Tennessee native. Bob has been so encouraging over the past year. His insights are always effective – revealing what we might call, “the truth”.

Tomorrow, “Who’s Not Capable?”

Please Keep Me Humble

Good Thursday morning everyone. Thank you for following jeff Of the five blogs I write everyday, jeff has the most opportunity for improvement. Why? It’s a mystery at the moment.

The reason for asking to remain humble is this. Just yesterday, in real time – not some made up story – I received two updates:

  1. A friend celebrated his 100th blog post
  2. Another friend celebrated his 1st blog post

One friend posts six days per week (26 per month). The other friend has set a goal to post once per month.

Here’s the crazy part. I post 150+ per month.

Quantity versus quality. It’s not a competition. More isn’t always better. So why so many?

Simply this. I am driven. Driven to serve (and I’m fairly inadequate at it). The Internet is my soapbox. God’s message of Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy is the purpose. Are ya with me?