Delivering Food For Families always puts things in perspective

home cooked meal laid out in kitchen
This meal was a special occasion… a weekend dinner at home


Delivering Food For Families always puts things in perspective. How can we have any worries in the world that could even remotely seem unbearable?

Food for Families stated in 1991 by Mark Anthony as part of The bread of Life Ministries in conjunction with Publix Supermarkets. About 1,200 Families in need are served two boxes of food and staples at Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.

To simply be grateful for food, rather than presents, on Christmas morning. Can we imagine?

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What Is Church?

Two Were Gathered Here, in 2005
Two Were Gathered Here, in 2005

We are taught many things in our lifetimes. Information. Lessons.

When we are young, we are taught to respect adults and trust that they know what they are talking about.

Once we become adults, we realize how many questions we have that still remain unanswered.

Like, “What is Church?”

Perhaps Church is anywhere there are two or more gathered to serve in God’s name, like yesterday, in our car.