Check with lost & found

Going-to-the-Sun mountain
GNP. Going-to-the-Sun Mountain. Heavy Runner, foreground.

You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled, then something has been lost.

Martha Graham

You are unique, just like everybody else.

Bumper sticker, unknown

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Faking it

Glacier national Park

The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.

Albert Einstein

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Ready, set, wait


We are always getting ready to live, but never living.


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How is time money?

If you’re lucky, you’ll realize this sooner rather than later in life.

How is time money?

If it has to be explained to you, you do not yet know.

How will you know when you know?

You’ll know when you are able to authentically explain it to others, particularly someone you care about.

Want to know the power of a single day?

Ask someone who’s counting theirs.

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Ignore the side effects

Long, uphill hikes are metaphors for life. So are stunning views and wonderful hiking partners.

Ignore the negative side effects of a super-busy pace?


There must be powerful reasons, right?

Powerful enough to ignore long-term outcomes?


How is that a long-term and vibrant emotional strategy?

It’s not.

You clearly understand this. Well done.

Regret is always possible to reverse. When your ability to forgive yourself, surrender to things you cannot control, and live with gratitude that you can both forgive and surrender, you are free to move forward.

The key to it all is having a willing heart that is open to personal transformation.

If you think forgiveness and surrender are hard to sustain over decades of living, imagine trying to cram for personal transformation after decades of neglect.

Slow and steady wins the race. The long way is the shortcut.

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