Should religion satisfy our longing for community and challenge?

View from my Indianapolis Sheraton room
View from my Indianapolis Sheraton room


Should religion satisfy our longing for community and challenge?

Is it possible that many of us spend our waking hours unsure of who we are and where we belong?

And that we all long for a grand challenge that makes our heart race with a sense of purpose?

Taking a moment to thank you for being a part of Mid Life Celebration’s five blogs.

Hope it feels like home, and like an exciting adventure into the second half of our purpose-driven life.

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Are you religious, spiritual, or neither?

heavy hitters no doubt, but heavy kneelers?

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious?

This is an example of the type of question that we all think of, but few can answer. Does it deserve an answer? Another interesting question. Have a nice day.

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Here’s The Thing About Running

Jeremy Wariner, 2nd Greatest 400 Runner Ever
Jeremy Wariner, 2nd Greatest 400 Runner Ever

Do you have routines that you do everyday? Not the traditional ones like driving to work the same way each day, or brushing your teeth after a meal, but daily routines to help you focus and improve yourself to help others?

As I was on my knees a few minutes ago, saying three daily prayers, it hit me. Yesterday’s post asking, “Is running a religion?”, really is a metaphor for our spiritual life.

For a “serious” runner, getting and staying healthy can be fun, challenging, consuming (religion-like), and ultimately, rewarding. Does your spiritual desire match that of a “serious” runner?

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