Sometimes It’s Hard To Tell If It’s The Devil Or God That Is Encouraging Me To Keep Writing

Gift shop adjacent to USA’s oldest wooden schoolhouse, St Augustine, Florida…

The only way to press on is to take time away from other priorities like Family time, working out, hobbies, volunteering and household projects.

How should one feel if it’s ridiculously easy to take no shortcuts at work? Americans have little trouble working so hard they become addicted. Work defines people. Provides status, security, comfort, perks.

The passion to fulfill our purpose. Is it the devil in disguise?

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I Told The Nigerian Man, A Doctor, Sitting Next To Me On The Plane…

(Must you be one to enter?)

I told the Nigerian man, “When our son goes looking for the face of Jesus in the real world, I hope he has to look no farther than across the dining room table.”

The deeper I go, the longer I get to hold Peace and Contentment. You’re getting this, right? We all crave Peace with who we are and Contentment with what we have. Go!

Happy Father’s day!

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Corporate Vision Statements Are Often Hard To Recite Word For Word

Corporate vision statements posted on walls quickly become invisible…

Great organizations have clear, concise and compelling vision statements. Still, most employees can’t remember or recite them.

So great companies know there is only one acceptable alternative. That their employees can demonstrate the vision statement behaviorally….

Daily, repetitive reinforcement of the basics. Do them brilliantly. Master this before anything else. Never get bored with the basics.

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