Dear Heavenly Father, please reign down humility

25+ year friends
Met Brian at My French Cafe near Disney University yesterday. He said a wonderful prayer for me, not knowing the burdens nor the triumphs.


Dear Heavenly Father, please reign down humility. i am astounded by Your generous blessings in the past three weeks. It is almost more than i can bear.

Dear readers, this does not mean i live in the absence of heavy, worrisome burdens. i do.

And i’d love an abundance of humility to graciously accept them both.

And to be abundantly thankful for both.

PS. Brian, in the photo, and i met 30 years ago when our dogs met for the first time in our sprawling neighborhood. The odds of us ever meeting were slim to none. Our Yellow Labs ended up contributing two litters to society.





On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


The value of enterprise and unwavering patience

Middle schooler at graduation
Most 8th graders have only just begun to develop their self-confidence.


When does self-confidence take root? When does it bear fruit or offer shade?

The answers vary dramatically. Kind of like snow flakes.

Last night, two glimpses:

  1. He gave an eloquent, humorous speech*.
  2. He said, “You know that thing you always say about you don’t understand this now, but you will? It’s true”

Those two moments were like standing on the Olympic podium listening to your National Anthem.

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Fear is especially prevalent for spirituality

Disney Speakers jeff noel twitter profile
Twitter profile January 15, 2015


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. This is especially true with your emotional core. There are many voices touting the pros and cons of religion spirituality.

Unfollowed 13.1k people yesterday.

Insane. It took hours because you can unfollow only one at a time. That’s 13,1oo clicks. Plus massive scrolling, for hours.

Will likely lose many of them as followers.

It took six years to build this platform. Will it be destroyed in a week or two?

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Which pain is far worse?

Shape magazine articles


(photo: yesterday at the Dentist’s office… quick, easy fixes… no wonder people give up)

The pain and sacrifice we must endure to chase and achieve our dreams pales in comparison to the price that is paid by those who stop chasing.

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