Praying for someone we’ve never met

Husband and wife hug at airport
Photo: Chapin Noel, August 2009 at Orlando International Airport.


Praying for someone we’ve never met.

A fatal heart attack is never planned.

When it happens we are stunned and saddened. It happened to a client’s colleague the night before.

Moments before falling asleep last night, i pictured what it would feel like to no longer have Cheryl walking around in our home.

Moving forward, that is the reality for someone i’ve never met.

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Death Is Part Of Life

Debbie Sent A Rainbow This Morning
Debbie Sent A Rainbow This Morning

Death is part of life. It just is. Death arrives all the time. Every day.

Some deaths are a blessing. Some are tragic and break our hearts – so much so that we wonder if our heart will ever heal.

Mostly, I think, it’s the senseless deaths and the sudden deaths that hurt the most and cut the deepest.

Like yesterday.

A Facebook update brought the news that a longtime colleague and friend died yesterday. Apparently, complications from a routine colonoscopy. Debbie was 43.

As I upload a You Tube video from the backseat of the car, in my son’s school parking lot, I’m reminded of how fragile life is, what a gift it is, and how our friends can touch us with the character of their lives.

I’ll post the video here later today probably. I shot it April 1 this year. It’s a Brooks & Dunn song, sung by a young man born with no eyes, and legs that don’t work.