An epiphany about praying and writing after nearly 7000 blog posts

prolific bloggers
The Renaissance front desk had a public iPad for Guests to find answers

An epiphany about praying and writing after nearly 7,000 blog posts…

They are one and the same.

You cannot spend two hours each morning thinking and then writing about the balance and interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit, career, and home… without entering a prayerful state.

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Praying on the road is no different than this

praying while traveling
pray all day, everyday, no matter the location, no matter the time

Praying on the road is no different than praying at home. All day, everyday. No need for a special place, nor a special time. A busy travel schedule is no impediment. None.

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Are you religious, spiritual, or neither?

heavy hitters no doubt, but heavy kneelers?

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious?

This is an example of the type of question that we all think of, but few can answer. Does it deserve an answer? Another interesting question. Have a nice day.

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Living in the moment?

An interesting discovery… my hotel is on Thoreau Drive… what does this mean, if anything?

Living in the moment? I do not want to get to the end of life and realize I had not begun to live.

Spent the past 24 hours together with friend I haven’t worked with in years. She told me she thinks I really live in the moment.

Am only telling you this because in 53 years, no one has made that specific comment. Wondering if positive change begun in earnest 13 years ago is now noticeable.

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One day at a time Lord, one day at a time

Cooper is great at living day to day… he’s my hero

One day at a time Lord, one day at a time. Sometimes it’s challenging to think of the future, or to enjoy the moment, because of the overwhelming and relentless pressure to do it all.

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Photo: yesterday after lunch