Creativity has no limits

Creativity has no limits.

That moment when i realized, “i can write five daily, differently-themed blog posts every day, but i don’t need to post them live every day.”

This made the climb to that 3,000 published blog post milestone so much more fun.

You only reach 3k once. To have it on the scariest day of the year was perfect.

What i’m remembering today isn’t what you’d think

What i’m remembering today isn’t what you’d think.

Obviously, today is the eighth anniversary of the day the world stopped turning.


It’s when i realized i needed to not post on the weekends in September 2010 to reach the 3,000th blog post milestone on Halloween.

i still wrote (every day) on tthe weekends, but had those posts scheduled to post after October 31, 2010.

Wanted to be able to say, “i’ve just reached the 3k blog post milestone, how scary is that?”

Biblical Wisdom

Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons

Biblical wisdom from a modern day prophet.

“An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind”. — Ghandi

Just because others do, doesn’t mean we can. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

This is even more difficult to do at work.

It Almost Offends Me

But I catch myself feeling like maybe I’m being judgmental, and that feels hypocritical.

So you’ve seen this recent thing on Facebook, “Let’s see how many true Christians are on FB! Press Like if Jesus is your Savior!!”


If I were a non-Christian, it’s stuff like this that makes alienating Christians just a little bit easier.

Certainly the intention is not to do harm, but imagine, “Let’s see how many true Muslims, Jews, atheists, are on FB. Press Like if you believe Jesus was not the Son of God”.

Personal leadership is one of the most difficult things to practice, because we are human – weak and insecure.

Why Not Me

Doctors Said Her Days Were Numbered
Doctors Said Her Days Were Numbered

Bella, the niece of our friends Kim and Ralph Rodriguez-Torres is now cancer free.

The local CBS Miami affiliate ran this story, which begins 90 seconds into the video clip.

All proceeds from the sale of “Why Not Me” go to finding a cure for pediatric cancer.

Bella is the only surviving human of this rare type of cancer.

The explanation?

A Miracle!

World Peace? It can happen, but it will require a miracle, and exceptional leadership.