There are fewer sayings, when practiced, that will pay better dividends than the title of today’s blog post.
The catch is that we need to practice until it becomes such a habit that we don’t even know we are doing it, and we are actually doing it all day long.
Patrick Henry Hughes was born without eyes, legs that don’t work and arms that barely work. Imagine his parents surprise and subsequent life challenges. Imagine Patrick’s life challenges.
Imagine your own.
Debbie, our dearly beloved colleague and friend, we miss you already and we don’t understand why you had to leave so soon.
I hope we all meet again on “the other side”. Offering this personal video I shot during Easter as a final tribute to your final destination, wherever that might be.
Death is part of life. It just is. Death arrives all the time. Every day.
Some deaths are a blessing. Some are tragic and break our hearts – so much so that we wonder if our heart will ever heal.
Mostly, I think, it’s the senseless deaths and the sudden deaths that hurt the most and cut the deepest.
Like yesterday.
A Facebook update brought the news that a longtime colleague and friend died yesterday. Apparently, complications from a routine colonoscopy. Debbie was 43.
As I upload a You Tube video from the backseat of the car, in my son’s school parking lot, I’m reminded of how fragile life is, what a gift it is, and how our friends can touch us with the character of their lives.
I’ll post the video here later today probably. I shot it April 1 this year. It’s a Brooks & Dunn song, sung by a young man born with no eyes, and legs that don’t work.
You know who shapes the minds, bodies and spirits of children?
No, seriously, do you know?
You do!
It was 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection that the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Some say this is the day the Church was born. This morning, it’s my privilege to help several dozen youngsters understand this a little better than they did yesterday.
And 50 days from today, will it still be with them? What kind of pressure do you place on yourself to be a beacon for children?