How can this be the only time it makes sense?

Orlando Based Motivational Speakers


(photo: Office Depot and Turbo Tax are trying to make decision making easy, obviously.)

December 3 or April 14… both are days we could be thinking about getting our taxes ready.

Imagine thinking about 2015 tax filing in 2014.

Only praying when we need to is like only bathing when we have a job interview.

Imagine looking for your next job while you already have one you love.

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Orlando based motivational speakers


(photo: Note from Mass a few days ago. So simple, but concerned it would be forgotten.)

A mystic lives in the continuous awareness of God’s presence.

How can something so simple be so easy to forget?

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At what level of being overwhelmed can we walk away?

Disney Leadership Speakers


(photo: We could walk, or take the Monorail? Or maybe a bus?)

At what level of being overwhelmed can we walk away?

Be careful. Tomorrow will come, and we will be faced with responsibility for our actions.

There is something about preparing early every morning for the day – which in theory could be our last – and watching the darkness change to light.

Could this daily routine be similar to the same excitement as going to Disney World?

Only one person in charge of this.

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Our prayers are mostly invisible

Bare Christmas tree


(photo: A bare tree feels awkward to humans. To the forest, it’s perfect.)

Our prayers are mostly invisible.

There’s something about public recognition that is compelling though. Even if we are not present when recognition happens. Is this a general human condition to appreciate and enjoy recognition?

For some, being present during public recognition can be painfully embarrassing.

So when, or if, public recognition happens in a group and we are not present, just knowing that others know makes many of us feel good.

This is why humility is so difficult.

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There is no hope in us helping others

Orlando Top Keynote speakers


(photo: Only the inspired inspire. Learn to inspire yourself and you can teach others.)

There is no hope in us helping others if we are unable to help ourselves.

For the only way to help others is to show them how to help themselves.

It’s true.

And the best way to show others how do do it is to actually do it.

Don’t give a fish. Teach how to fish.

This is the only way to sustain wellness for a lifetime.

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