Hey devil, comin’ after you

Weird graphic
Guess which one is the devil?


Hey devil, comin’ after you.

The doubt and fear you use to generate human excuses and regret…

Hey, you’re a professional. And you’re insidiously good at what you do.


Been waiting for this day for a long, long time.

With God as our witness, Mid Life Celebration, the book, is here to make a dent in the Universe.

And the Universe is firing you.

You’re only hope is to beg for forgiveness.

And mean it.

Feeling like God has abandoned us is the devil at his best.

That’s over now.



Be remarkable.

And get busying living like you mean it!


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Marketing your spirit in addition to your business

Mid Life Celebration best selling paperback book
This book will challenge you to suck it up and stop making excuses


Dear Heavenly Father, let every small business entrepreneur remember (and embrace) they are in charge of marketing their business. This means they will have to promote how great their product or service is – how it will change people’s lives.

And if a big part of their business model is their skill and ability, they will have to become better and more effective at promoting themselves – even if they hate the way they feel (boastful) when doing it.

Maybe it could be done in a way they have never tried before. Maybe it could be done with the help of others.

Or both.

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If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire

UPS delivery truck driver stepping off truck
So nervous and anxious – doubt and fear are flooding rational thought


UPS delivery truck driver stepping off truck
In the giving, we receive (profound metaphorical photo)


One man, professionally dressed, clean-shaven, etc.

If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.
– St Catherine of Siena

The other man, unshaven, cut-off jeans, no shirt.

Here’s to being the change.

Story continues at the…

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