Why taking a break can look like loss of interest

Weber Grill tag cloud


(photo: Anyone can make any claim they want, and most will be assertive in their claims.)

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but do judge a book.

Back to Church this morning after a long absence at Sunday morning Mass. Have remained involved every week with Youth Ministry Sunday nights and PREP classes Tuesday nights.

But Sunday mornings have taken a hit since Summer. Travel, major life event (retirement) preparation, new business launch, vacation, etc.

Lector number one at 8:45am Mass. Hoping God’s words coming from a 55-year old sinner are better than ever.

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His biggest fear wasn’t dying

old website header for jeff noel.org


(photo above: old header for this website… Surrender • Self-control • Service)


Ethan Hawk


“My biggest fear isn’t dying. My biggest fear is that others will blame God for my death and not believe in Him. I don’t want people angry at God or even blaming him. I mean, there is so much more than just this life. Just because He didn’t heal me on earth doesn’t mean He won’t heal me in Heaven.” – Ethan Hallmark

From a friend’s Facebook update yesterday.


Today’s spiritual thought continues with a career thought for the day at the Next Blog

Safety… a riff, too long for our own good?

Lost dog sign


(photo: Many, many layers to safety… ps. Buffett was found, alive, two days later)

Wrote the riff yesterday, and decided not to edit it this morning. You know MLC doesn’t have much bandwidth for longer posts. Nothing wrong with them. They’re just odd here….

Safety… demand excellence. For everyone. Everyday. All day. Safety takes a back seat to nothing. Safety is so much more than physical safety.

Knowing the following items is being average (and the assumption is we not only know, but do):

Know the fire/emergency exit routes of your building. Make sure others know these routes as well. Know where the fire extinguisher is. Know how to use it. Know where the AED is. Know how to use it. See something, say something. Do not text and drive. Do not email and drive. Do not make phone calls or answer phone calls while driving. Wipe up spills. Remove trip hazards. Practice safety in motion at all times.

Knowing the following items would place an employee in the above average category:

Securing all sensitive company and client documents (physical, digital, and voice). Securing all office entry points, office doors, desk drawers, laptop access, smart phone access, as well as retreiving copies and faxes immediately. Securely discarding private documents. Being fully aware of surroundings when having meetings of any kind in public, non-company locations.

Knowing the following items would place an employee in the excellent category:

When traveling off site on public transportation – planes, busses, shuttles, trains – our conversations, our laptop screens and anything else that is visible or audible intellectual property (IP). When teaching or selling to any audience requiring company IP, the employee locks laptop with cable. The employee also assumes nothing, and locks their laptop screen for any reason where he/she needs to leave the room, even to use the restroom. We never leave our company smartphones sitting on a conference table either. Ever. When enjoying alcohol during meals and the conversation can become relaxed and loud, we are ever vigilant in never crossing a line. Any use of unsecured external hard drives and thumb drives to transport or transfer company IP and client files should have all data deleted immediately following the download. We also do not discard anything in hotel rooms or conference facilities that has any IP or client value whatsoever.

The reality of knowing what to do and actually doing it would stun most leaders. What we accept by default becomes the standard and this is cause for alarm.

Bonus points: Wear a Road ID when running on business trips.

Switch to the Money Blog

Never let memories become more important?



(photo: iPhone screen shot from the book Flinch)

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

She wrote back that this wouldn’t apply to her elderly Father.

To be open minded, replied back that the food for thought was appreciated.

Moments later the thinking was done and the conviction unmoved.

What if we thought death was the most magnificent day in our life?

This is only possible if you believe in something you’ve never seen.

So yes, never let our memories be bigger than our dreams.

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Humbled by the spiritual aging process

Picnic pavilion at Assisted Living Facility


(photo: Can’t stop thinking about their Faith)

Humbled by the spiritual aging process.

Does our spiritual and emotional well being work as an immune system?

Are we willing to live today with the same type of humility and servant hood as that of a person confined to the walls and halls of a nursing home?

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