Why would you settle when it’s not necessary?
The only limitations you have are those you impose upon yourself.
Struggling to create a simple yet world-class customer service framework for scalable and sustainable results?
Challenged to create a vibrant customer service culture where at least 80% of your customers (and employees) rate your service delivery as very good or excellent?
Challenged to create a vibrant customer service culture where at least 51% of your customers rate your organization as excellent?
Do you have a personal conviction that good and very good aren’t good enough?
Do you understand the dramatic difference between an excellent service framework’s ability to get excellent results, a very good framework getting very good results and a good framework getting good results?
Can you articulate the difference between a good customer service culture and an excellent customer service culture; and the difference between a very good culture and an excellent culture?
If you can, and i’m assuming you can, why would you settle?
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