Don’t expect it at the end, expect it with every step you take

Church message projected on large wall
No guilt in life, no fear in death (now that’s thanksgiving)


Thanksgiving Eve morning 2013 as this is written (March 9, 2014 as it becomes public)…

Wishing everyone a peace and contentment that isn’t found at the end of a long journey, but one that is found with every step you take.

We have come to know the true meaning of Thanksgiving when we learn to celebrate it everyday.

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There is gold in those distant hills

Orlando lakefront property
There is a chance that a big house on a lake facing Disney fireworks could do the same thing


There is gold in those distant hills. And the gold is the two big, desirable emotions we all want to possess – peace and contentment.

Peace with who we are.

Content with what we have.

Authenticity is the only path.

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Thanksgiving Week

Few Know Peace & Contentment Better Than These Two
Few Know Peace & Contentment Better Than These Two

Feeling thankful and showing gratitude, comes down to a simple choice:

  1. Being thankful for what you have
  2. Or worrying about what you don’t

Long ago, while contemplating the meaning of life, I became convinced it is to have peace with who you are, and to be content with what you have.

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