You must be obsessed with continuously improving your Customer experience if you want your Customers to believe that you love them.
PS. You do not need to be obsessed with continuously improving your Customer experience but you do need to worry about your competitors worrying about it.
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There are four world-class basics that make up the Disney Customer Service architecture.
i have been teaching our Son (now 18) these Disney blueprints since he was six years old.
We are both more compassionate human beings because of this student-teacher-student relationship.
Everything i learned, did, and taught from 32 years as an insider and two-time Walt Disney Lifetime Achievement recipient has been synthesized into brilliantly simplistic DNA.
No one i know has deconstructed Disney’s operational DNA and reconstructed it in such a useful way.
It’s as if there has always been a (divine?) plan for me to wait until i was 40 to begin a (speaking) career i never saw coming and never knew i was born to fulfill.
It inspires, excites, and motivates me to offer such a unique professional development opportunity to the world.
Disney Institute Customer Service Keynote Speakers, my friends and former colleagues, will share a corporately-approved speech, and i highly recommend either of us to help you.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
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The photographer (you know who) was stopped in traffic.
As i flew to Vail (through Denver) yesterday, i knew today’s posts would be themed to Walt Disney’s death (and life).
And as i prepare to leave the Vail hotel room to deliver an 8:00am Disney Customer Service keynote speech, Walt Disney’s passion and disposition for doing the impossible will fuel the first 90 minutes i’m given the privilege to open my mouth and say important, insightful, and transformational things.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
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Yesterday at Disney’s Contemporary Resort, a side trip after lunch at DU. The stuff i wanted was on sale, so i bought bulk.
Just a moment in time photo, descending to Disney’s Contemporary Resort main lobby. Two bags. i never buy two bags worth of anything, except groceries.
Only preach what you practice.
As opposed to the plain-vanilla “only practice what you preach”.
See the transformational difference?
The Disney Compass, what i affectionately call the “360 Analysis”, helps me to constantly deliver small, delightful surprises.
Repurpose N, W, S, and E.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.