Would Jesus have a Twitter handle?

@jeffnoelmidlife Twitter handle screen shot
Catch the bottom tweet?


Catch the photo caption?

Catch the bottom Tweet?

Every person is telling a story about what she or he values.

Whether we are conscious of it or not.

And when we magnify our awareness (sadly, this may never happen) of this fact, we are given a divine opportunity.

If it needs to be explained to us, we are not yet ready.

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How can we not make a guarantee to be an example instead of a warning?

Sign with bold promise in hotel elevator
How can we not make a gaurantee to be an example instead of a warning?


Everything we do and say tells a story about what is at the center of our universe.

The challenge is that we judge our story based on our intentions, others judge our story based on our behaviors.

Big dif.

Huge difference.

And almost always in conflict with each other.

So may we be crystal clear on the center of our universe.

And may our behaviors (not our thoughts) be the kind of example that others aspire to emulate.

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