There is an amazing business case for trust

Apple Store 5th Avenue
The run to the Apple Store 5th Avenue gets shorter and shorter


Apple Store 5th Avenue
Apple Store 5th Avenue is open 24 hours a day


Apple Store 5th Avenue
Apple provides the tools (The Apple Store App) to DIY


Apple Store 5th Avenue
Never had to talk to a Apple Store employee to make this purchase


Apple Store 5th Avenue
Purchase now complete, time to unpack the purchased item


Apple Store 5th Avenue
One final step… put the phone in the case and walk out


A well lived life is the antidote to our inherent fear of death and the unknown.

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The pressure to do things well tempts us to not

Apple iPhone 5S colors window display
No bright colors, but amazingly colorful in such a subtle way


The pressure to do things well tempts us to not. At a certain point a startup (or anyone) has to make decisions that what they have is good enough to ship.

Because shipping eventually becomes more important than perfection.

With yesterday’s manuscript review in hand, Xulon Press made an offer for a copyediting service (for an additional fee).

The choice is have a book in hand (for sale to the world) by Thanksgiving but with potential errors. Or have a flawless book that might not be for sale until the end of the year.

Praying for wisdom and courage.

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Dear readers, it certainly is not a secret, but…

Disney's Small World final goodbye scene
How and when will we say our last goodbyes?


With tragedy surrounding us, whom shall we fear? Death is never far away. We read about it everyday. Much of it tragic.

But what about us? Our death. When will it happen? How will it happen?

So, dear readers, it certainly is not a secret, but… we are going to die. How we live each day between now and then is determined by one person, and one person only.

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Yesterday, for the fist time in years (probably longer), I saw the color of my skin

Martin Luther King Jr. quote
Thank God for Martin Luther King Jr. Seriously.


Mentioned yesterday there’s a likelihood we’ll see thoughts on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

Not sure if i can do it.

Whether it’s worth it.

If it will make it better, or worse.

Yesterday, for the fist time in years (probably longer), I saw the color of my skin being visible to others as we passed each other by.


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