For every million

man taking pictures in the mountains
Average hundreds of photos and videos daily while in the mountains. Or anyplace wild. Bad things rarely happen to people in the wild, but they do happen. Same in an HOA.

For every million dollars over the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) one-million dollar policy, it’s easy to figure out the financial liability.

$10,000.00 for each million dollars owed the defendant(s).

If the HOA is sued for $3,000,000, then the HOA must cover the two-million dollars the policy doesn’t cover.

Now, each lot owner’s liability increases to $20,000.00

In a litigious world, being sued for $10mil, or $20mil, could happen.

Let’s play out the lower $10mil scenario.

This is $90,000.00 per lot to cover the nine-million not covered by HOA insurance.

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Turning the spiritual page

Drive like your kids live here sign
And on the major 4-lane and 6-lane roads, you’ll drive like my kids are driving those roads for the first time. Great. Thanks.

Turning the spiritual page.

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Thich 3:16

All religions are just different doors to the same house.

The house of Love.

Thích Quang Đức embodied John 3:16.

The video is long (8 mins).

Life is much longer.

Not being a good, decent, and respectful person, in a relationship or a community, is the opposite of Love.

To know is to do. To know and not do is to not yet know.


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Father, forgive us

mountains and a lake
Mountain weather can change in minutes. Being unprepared can be deadly.

Father, forgive us for we know not what we do.

We all must face our feelings and hopefully reconcile any of them that trouble us. Why? So we can stop carrying the extra baggage.

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The over-riding hope

bowl of blueberries
Super foods are inexpensive during harvest.

i do not hope to live to be 80-90.

This year i hope to speak with more people that old.

Yet more than any other personal hope, i hope to live in the present moment.

It is 6:00 PM, eating dinner at the desk.

Three posts in and the decision is made to push the cathartic writing about yesterday’s meeting to a future day.

.think .differently

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