Not a trick question. The obvious answer is, yes. This is the easiest of life’s (5) big choices to fake – a smile on the outside says all is well on the inside. A smile can hide a lot.
What can’t be faked though, is enthusiasm.
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Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Not a trick question. The obvious answer is, yes. This is the easiest of life’s (5) big choices to fake – a smile on the outside says all is well on the inside. A smile can hide a lot.
What can’t be faked though, is enthusiasm.
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What if God doesn’t want jeff noel to be a best-selling author? What if this is the devil’s grand, devious distraction from fatherhood? Either way, it’s God’s plan for noel to discern. We only fail when we don’t try.
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People ask jeff noel if he gets nervous before speaking. He said he doesn’t get nervous about what he’ll say, but rather he worries if what he says will make any difference at all in the lives of the audience after they return home.
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Why do we ask so many questions? Why? Because we like you! Because we enjoy learning and teaching. Because we cannot help ourselves.
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Walt Disney World, Where Dreams Come True.
Heaven, Where Dreams Come True.
Right here, right now: where dreams come true – with God’s amazing Grace.
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