Sometimes The Effort To Enjoy Some Of Life’s Simplest Pleasures Seems Disproportionate

USA’s oldest wooden school house, St. Augustine, Florida…

Was able to join the end-of-the-school-year field trip as a junior assistant chaperone. It took 3 flights to get there.

What are the important pleasures in our lives? And how hard do we have to work for them? The only bad answer is not having one.

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We Don’t Celebrate Today Like We Celebrate Christmas, For Good Reason

A rack of ‘party pants’ at a Golf store in Detroit’s airport…

I much prefer cut-off jeans, by the way. We don’t celebrate jeff noel’s birthday with the same joy as Jesus’ birthday, for good reason.

But if you want to share presents, email someone you love the link(s) so they can take a look at these Mid Life Celebration Blogs and decide for themselves to stay or move on.

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