What if I don’t know my purpose?

pray hard and constant for discernment

What did I suggest yesterday? You do what you need to do. But I couldn’t rest until I was convinced of my life’s purpose. The two most important days in our life are the day we’re born, and the day we figure out why. Don’t rest until that 2nd day comes.

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Can there be more than one life purpose?

your life's purpose may be to build bridges, between Family members

Can there be more than one life purpose? I say yes. For instance, your life purpose may be to figure out your life’s purpose. Don’t underestimate that there’s a process to arrive at your life changing revelation. And I’d recommend not resting until you discover it.

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Before you give up hope, may I please ask you something?

class reunions
why do we go or not go to High School class reunions? are we searching for something?

Before you give up hope, may I please ask you something? Do you even know what you’re looking for?

Insight: Searching for something we are not sure of is a recipe for frustration and failure. Be sure of what you want before you start looking. This undoubtedly is a key no one insists we adhere to.

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