Why only read the emails that are fun?

Sam Horn via LinkedIn
Sam Horn’s recent post on LinkedIn last week.


We’ve heard the phrase, God wastes nothing. What does that mean exactly?

For starters it means everything that happens – good or not so good – is meant to help us:

  • Grow
  • Learn

Whether we grow or learn is 100% our responsibility.

Bad things happen to everyone.

No one likes reading an overflowing inbox. And add to that having to deal with tough emails that are difficult, time consuming, or tragic. Good grief Charlie Brown.

Every single thing that happens to us can teach us or grow us.

But if we looked at it that way, we’d have nothing to complain about.

God wastes nothing.

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Dear son, please give the extra money to Ms. Y

Church Mass presentation
First Sunday of Lent 2015… what is God’s dream for you?


Last Wednesday was our son’s classmate’s 14th birthday. And, coincidently, Wednesday is also the optional midweek classroom dinner at a local restaurant. A tradition started by Ms Y, an attorney turned (brilliant) Montessori middle school teacher. She has two daughters at the school, one is also a middle school classmate.

Gave our son twice the dinner allowance and suggested he give the surplus to Ms Y, to pay for his classmates (birthday) dinner, but with a caveat. Ask Ms Y to keep it a secret and don’t tell anyone.

Trying to teach what books struggle to keep up with – the notion that in giving, we receive. And to learn to give without expecting credit or reward.

To learn that the giving, in and of itself is the reward.

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There is no hope in us helping others

Orlando Top Keynote speakers


(photo: Only the inspired inspire. Learn to inspire yourself and you can teach others.)

There is no hope in us helping others if we are unable to help ourselves.

For the only way to help others is to show them how to help themselves.

It’s true.

And the best way to show others how do do it is to actually do it.

Don’t give a fish. Teach how to fish.

This is the only way to sustain wellness for a lifetime.

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Is it ok to ask for boldness to dare to do something never before attempted in the classroom?

Small inspirational book with Teddy Bear
The art of learning is a willingness to fail.


Dear Heavenly Father, today is it ok to ask for boldness to dare to do something never before attempted in the classroom?

What if we shared that there are only two goals today?

  1. To get the audience to think differently
  2. And to have the thinking be so remarkable they cannot wait to get started

Is that too much to ask? Even if it makes them uncomfortable?

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Doing What You Can Is Always…

Doing What You Can Is Scary Sometimes
Doing What You Can Is Scary Sometimes

Doing what you can, is always better than doing nothing.

This is one of the greatest lessons we ought to teach ourselves.


So that we can then demonstrate the life-long lesson to the people around us.

Perhaps this is the first step to world peace: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Profoundly simple. Simply profound.

Amazingly difficult.

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