Asked a worker yesterday, “How’s life been treating you?”
Him: With a heavy sigh, “I’m working two jobs.”
Me: “Sorry to hear that. Hang in there.”
The long walk home (to the Omni) last night i rethought the conversation and wished i would have asked, “How many hours are you working?”
Because a gut feeling says the number of hours i spend working is equal to or greater than his combined two-jobs total.
He never asked, “So what about you?”
i pray especially focused prayers for people who feel like a victim. The prayers revolve around them discovering gratitude as a weapon to fight against “feeling sorry for themselves”.
Additionally, the prayers focus on “the victims” being more aware and empathetic to everyone they encounter. Why? It’s helped me over the course of my life and i am convinced it will help almost anyone.
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A beautifully and inviting front yard doe not mean the owner isn’t dying inside
He said, the people that don’t ask how’s he’s doing don’t care. Pausing for a moment in our time together yesterday, I asked myself the obvious question, “Is he correct?”
The answer sounded like this:
that sounds like a close-minded statement
maybe he’s right
maybe he’s wrong
is he feeling sorry for himself?
does he have any idea countless others have it worse?
does he have any idea how deep and broad my pain is?
In conclusion, everyone is fighting a tough battle. Some feel like victims, and some feel compelled to feel thankful.
We typically grow weary of others who predictably suck our energy and rarely re-inflate it.