Be flexible and nimble

Disney Innovation Keynote Speakers
Today’s posts are not overtly Disney Keynote speaking related.

Be flexible and nimble.

The GoDaddy hosting account migration photos i took yesterday aren’t loading onto this post.


No idea.


Tried a plan-B but that plan didn’t work either, so that’s why you see the photo above.

Ultimately, it still themes to yesterday’s efforts.  

There is no automatic upgrade from my original (now old, Legacy) GoDaddy account to the latest and greatest hosting features.

A time-consuming manual process is required for each (16 total) individual domain name.

Thank goodness for Rob at Webidextrous.

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Hypertext Preprocessor

GoDaddy PHP upgrade
So grateful to have Rob assisting me this morning.
PHP upgrade
After 10 years in WordPress i’m just learning how important your PHP version is, and how long i’ve been out of date.

Hypertext Preprocessor, also know as PHP.

PHP is an HTML-embedded Web scripting language. i don’t know what that means, but Rob, my new technology partner does.

i’m praying that our morning is exceptionally productive.

Two big goals this morning by noon:

  • Upgrade to the highest level PHP possible in my GoDaddy Legacy account. Current PHP is 5.4 and it looks like the Legacy (an old and soon to be obsolete) platform only allows up to 5.6. As of today, the current PHP version is 7.6.2.
  • Do full backup of all blog databases.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Is it time to hit “restore” life?

GoDaddy restore files
Website issue.

Mass a few days ago was different because for the first time as a Family, we sat up front and center.

We used to sit front and far left.

Then we moved to the last row, far left.

Chapin and i have occasionally sat up front and center when Cheryl hasn’t been able to attend.

It’s like this: at your favorite artitst’s concert, would you prefer front row seats or the very back?

If you aren’t fully engaged at Church, it may be your seating location.

PS. Bonus/random fun link for pets at college here.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Orlando Magic and Disney Magic

Orlando Magic and Disney Magic.

Game three is being played as we speak.

There was a young girl, maybe seven years old, who sang the National Anthem.

My wife told me she is autistic.

While I don’t know the specific story, the summary is there was a time when she couldn’t talk. They discovered her passion to sing.

That changed the course of her life, and the life of her family too.

Who’s to say what’s impossible or possible?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Maybe I’ll read the headlines tomorrow morning and the Orlando Magic will have won tonight’s game. Who’s to say……