How do you know if what you think matters really matters?

did Roy ever see that records don't matter anymore?

Across the street from the speaking venue is (was) Roy’s Record Shop (now for sale). Did Roy not see the digital tsunami? Did he try to adapt and change? Or did he see digital as a sign to bow out gracefully?

Doesn’t matter. And we hope for the best for Roy. But today’s message is simply this: How do you know if what you’re doing matters – and whether to hold steady, change, adapt, or bow out?

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But It’s Too Hard (blah, blah, blah)

Have a Magical day! I did yesterday, January 7, 2012 (90 days ago). *Smile*

In response to yesterday’s post I can hear the echoes from a few, “But it’s too difficult. I don’t like doing it. It’s no fun for me”.

Play hard or go home. Just do it. The long way is the short cut. In everything give thanks….

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Work Life Balance Where Art Thou?

Balance is harder than it looks. But really, it’s simply a matter of not falling down. Right?

In preparing myself and my Family for Easter, I worry about finding work life balance. Anyone else?

Insight: I try to treat each day like Easter. Deep understanding, the passion of The Christ, the joy on the third day…none of this gets lost to a busy schedule.

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Mid Life Celebration Is Committed To Work Life Balance And Baby Boomer Wellness

It has something to do with values, commitment and courage.

Dear Son, here’s a dirty little secret I’ve been quietly teaching you for 11 years: only 3% of the population, in any endeavor, will be fully committed.

The other dirty little secret is that nearly 100% want to be committed, but can not handle the focus and discipline required. They (the 97%) have it in them to be committed, but haven’t found the secret the others (the 3%) maximize.

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