Where do you volunteer? Presumptuous of me to think you volunteer, right? Maybe. Maybe not.
You do volunteer, don’t you? Not judging anyone, simply assuming everyone does something, no matter how big or how small.
When I look at volunteer opportunities, there are a few criteria:
- We do it as a Family
- We look for “traditions”
- We focus on a learning point
- We have to be able to integrate it into our lives
This morning is a perfect example. I’ll be reading as a Lector, and Cheryl will act as a Minister of Holy Communion.
Our son (9) has seen us do this once or twice a month for his entire life.
We also have him place our offertory envelope in the collection plate every week. He knows how much money we give.
When he gets older, we are confident that our actions will instill in him a duty to serve others with his time, talent and treasure.
Do you ever think about the messages you send to your children, or the young people in your lives if you have no children?
“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.” –Einstein