To whom much has been given (that would be all of us)

Storyteller's Cafe at Disneyland resort
Life is short, learning pace is up to us.


Much of what we fear and hope for is influenced by media.

Much of what we imagine will be required for true success is relatively untested until we actually do a bunch of scary things and see how it turns out.

Ultimately, there is no one size fits all. No well-worn path to success. No recipe.

So we must develop our own convictions. This is exciting and scary simultaneously.

That is, until we tackle enough scary stuff to actually make progress past what we thought was just a pipe dream.

It is breaking through to the mostly unknown that we truly begin to see faith, hope, and blessings beyond measure.

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Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog

Disney's Grand Californian Housekeeping note
Drink in every moment. We know this. And we’re busy too.


Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog:

3. The trip began yesterday, Easter Sunday – the most important day in the history of the world (spirit)

How cool is it to start the week with such a spiritual coincidence?

Easy to dismiss the seemingly insignificant timing.

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Our common denominator is Love

Raccoon in Homeowner trap
Jesus came to set us free from the devil’s traps


Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. If this is what you believe, Happy Easter.

If it is not what you believe, Happy Day!

The fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace. – Mother Teresa

No matter our differences as to the source of our infinite blessings, the common denominator is love.

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