This Whole Notion Of Work-Life Balance Isn’t About Time, It’s About Energy

Busy people try to balance work and life. This is the root of the whole work-life balance disaster. We assume time is the issue. It’s not. It’s energy.

When we expend energy honing our attitude, making healthy choices, devoting time to prayer and service, doing purposeful work and managing the paperwork of life, we experience an uncommon feeling of wholeness – balance.

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Why Are So Many Spiritually Stable & Enriched People So Out Of Shape Physically?

Feeling edgy, because I really struggle with this one. Our body is a temple. God’s amazing endowment, housing everything that keeps us alive. Some spiritually in shape people become out of breath after one flight of stairs.

A big part of my struggle is discerning my own personal integrity. Do I focus on what is convenient, or the path of least resistance, or do I try to tackle it all, even the hardest parts, like exercise, money, personal organization?

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Dear Lord, Thank You For The Challenge Of Making Each Day Count

How motivated would you be to make each day count if you had no identity, not even a birthday, like the orphans in yesterday’s story?

Okay, so fast forward to your amazing grace. The fact that you have Internet access to read this, for example. You literally have everything, those children literally have nothing. Then how would it be possible for us to go through the next 24 hours without trying to do work that seriously matters? How?

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