2, 3, 10, 17, 24

2, 3, 10, 17, 24

These are the days in October 2010 that i wrote five daily, differently-themed blog posts, but scheduled them for a future live posting date.

What this did was create a gap in the Word Press calendar.

i welcomed this because it allowed the actual live posting of my 3,000th post to go live on Halloween.

Pretty scary, no?

But now (November 24, 2017) i’m coming back and filling the gap to have the auto calendar match what i preach – five posts a day, every day, since April Fools day 2009.

Here’s The Thing About Running

Jeremy Wariner, 2nd Greatest 400 Runner Ever
Jeremy Wariner, 2nd Greatest 400 Runner Ever

Do you have routines that you do everyday? Not the traditional ones like driving to work the same way each day, or brushing your teeth after a meal, but daily routines to help you focus and improve yourself to help others?

As I was on my knees a few minutes ago, saying three daily prayers, it hit me. Yesterday’s post asking, “Is running a religion?”, really is a metaphor for our spiritual life.

For a “serious” runner, getting and staying healthy can be fun, challenging, consuming (religion-like), and ultimately, rewarding. Does your spiritual desire match that of a “serious” runner?

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Kiwanis Changing The World

Helpful Humans Are In Demand
Helpful Humans Are In Demand

We see it and hear it every day. The media bombards us with bad news. How do you counter this so it doesn’t overwhelm you and poison your attitude? There is an easy solution. Pay attention. Look around. Listen. Follow up.

Recently met someone with a passion for social media. Come to find out, she works for Kiwanis International. Here’s their Mission:

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

And then I was walking by the statue in the photo here and thought about the Shiners – no cost, no catch.

So many people will wake up today and try to make the world a better place. Do you know exactly how they feel? What if you did?

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When Do You Find The Time?

We All Have An Undeniable "Spirit"
We All Have An Undeniable "Spirit"

Undeniably, we have a body. And a mind. And a job.

We also have a spirit.

Our bodies, our minds, our careers grow and thrive in direct proportion to our efforts to nurture and strengthen them.

Same with our spirit. I’m amazed at the sheer volume of distractions that medicate us into complacency. Where do you “worship”?

When do you find the time?

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