Prayer is good.
But you already know that, right?
Still feeling the glow of Easter?
It’s up to you.
Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Prayer is good.
But you already know that, right?
Still feeling the glow of Easter?
It’s up to you.
Facebook is a very helpful tool. A window into the lives of our friends and family. And oftentimes an entertaining diversion from the real-world pressures.
You probably saw our son’s Guest Blog post about what Easter means.
He’s nine, and gets it. Easter is the most significant day in history.
Ever. Period.
There are surely skeptics out there who are thinking, “He’s a kid, let him enjoy chocolate and Easter basket stuff.” Got it covered:
What’s at the very center of your life?
You know what most people say, right?
Hands down.
Me too.
Cheryl and Chapin.
Yet it is Jesus that allows this miracle, of Family and Love, to bloom.
So do we, or should we, put Jesus before or after Family?
How does that make you feel? Does it feel like a gift? It might. It really depends on the whole picture.
But what if you can’t see the whole picture? Then what? Does that mean what happened wasn’t meaningful?
On a routine Delta flight yesterday, I met Kim Dawson. We both said, “You look familiar.”
Turns out we attend the same Mass at the same church. Turns out we’re both headed to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Me, to give a speech that may help change the world.
Kim, to watch a movie that may help change the world.
And one more thing, Kim is the Producer of the movie.
His movie debuts nationwide in two days. He said, “Would you like to come watch it tonight?”
So I wrote a “letter to God”:
“Dear God, thank you for placing this opportunity in front of me. Life on the road is challenging enough, but without proper rest, it becomes even more challenging. May I please do this later?”
My letter to God pales in comparison to the young, cancer-stricken boy who writes Letters to God and the Mailman who has to figure out what to do with them.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s 9,000 worth.
PS. In the lower right corner photo is a box of good shoes our son can no longer wear. We brought them along and found the perfect home for them.