One of the all-time great comedians, Bill Cosby, shares a short story about why he thought he was Jesus Christ. Do great work this Memorial Day, no matter what anyone calls you:
Our God Is Greater
Chris Tomlin’s newest hit, Our God Is Greater, will touch a special place in your soul, whether you need it or not. And if it doesn’t, try listening to it again (and again):
Pastor Wants Me To Teach Him

When was the last time someone came up to you and asked, “Will you teach me how you do it, since you’re an expert?”
Like never, right? Yeah, me too.
But yesterday that changed. A neighbor, and Pastor, asked if he could “shadow” me and watch the blogging process. He knows I write five different, but interconnected, blogs every morning.
Our first meeting will be in the next few days, at 5:30AM.
Are you dedicated? Are you an expert? Do people ask you for advice?
You’re invited to share tips here if you want. Or, just come along for the ride. God doesn’t waste anything. Everything is used for good, even our mistakes and regrets.
Prayer Requests Accepted Here

Today is particularly focused on all of you challenged at work. How many of you have an organizational culture that leaves you struggling to feel fully alive and thriving?
As a professional speaker and an avid blogger, I see and hear more than most. There is a universal epidemic inside virtually every organization. The epidemic has two symptoms: fear and uncertainty.
Courage and moral integrity are on the run.
Please pray for anyone struggling at work, for any reason, it doesn’t matter. And when I say pray, what’s really being suggested today, is that you pray so deliberately that it nearly brings you to tears.
Why? Because there are way too many who desperately need it.
Who’s In Charge?

Ever find yourself criticizing others? You know, the easy temptation to judge someone else’s habits, say a person who attends Church and publicly displays their Christianity or Spirituality?
We watch these “Christians” and score them based on what we see them do.
Do you ever wonder how many others are doing the same thing to you?
Ever wonder what score you are getting?
It’s easy to see the plank in another’s eye, but not see the one in ours.