Pray Without Ceasing

Pray without ceasing. It rolls off our tongues so easily.

But do we?

Do we actually do it?

This is one of the biggest challenges humans face and the main reason we are so disconnected from what we want and from what we actually get.

Ever wonder what you’d get if you actually DID pray without ceasing?

Find a million ways to do this – to stay in the moment. Those continuous, seemingly insignificant moments that make up our day. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year.

He’s My Son

Saturday’s post naming my top three favorite Christian artists, didn’t mention Mark Schultz. Why? It contained only the top three.

My good friend Craig reminded me of Mark Schultz – he’s number four. One song of his is particularly poignant, “He’s My Son“.

Here’s a 1 1/2 minute version capturing the essence. There were many, many nights, before our son’s disease was diagnosed that we felt fairly helpless. Not that we no longer do, but we at least know what we are dealing with.

Facebook Can Nurture Our Spirit

Facebook can nurture our spirit. It can! Seriously. At least I think it can.

The other day there was dialogue on my wall about someone hearing a Contemporary Christian song and how the lyrics spoke to this person in a profound way.

That’s what Christian Music is all about. Helping us stay mindful of being blessed beyond measure, even when we are not “presently in the moment”. Being present in the moment takes practice. The payoff is HUGE!

Here are a few of my top three favorite Contemporary Christian Artists:

  • Chris Tomlin
  • Steven Curtis Chapman
  • Jeremy Camp

We keep all our radio dials set at 88.3, here in Central Florida. Make it a great day, and remember, you are blessed beyond measure. Seriously. 🙂

Is Today The Day?

Is today the day our eyes will be opened?

Do you look around at the path you’re on? I mean every day. Day in and day out. I try really hard to.

How can we not? Unless we have no idea what our goals are.

What are your big goals?

  • Your big mental-health goals?
  • Your big physical-health goals?
  • Your big spiritual-health goals?
  • Your big financial-health goals?

Too much to think about, right?

Overwhelming, right?

It will be if we’re not careful. And that’s what motivates me.