Is Today The Day?

Is today the day our eyes will be opened?

Do you look around at the path you’re on? I mean every day. Day in and day out. I try really hard to.

How can we not? Unless we have no idea what our goals are.

What are your big goals?

  • Your big mental-health goals?
  • Your big physical-health goals?
  • Your big spiritual-health goals?
  • Your big financial-health goals?

Too much to think about, right?

Overwhelming, right?

It will be if we’re not careful. And that’s what motivates me.

Please Keep Me Humble

Good Thursday morning everyone. Thank you for following jeff Of the five blogs I write everyday, jeff has the most opportunity for improvement. Why? It’s a mystery at the moment.

The reason for asking to remain humble is this. Just yesterday, in real time – not some made up story – I received two updates:

  1. A friend celebrated his 100th blog post
  2. Another friend celebrated his 1st blog post

One friend posts six days per week (26 per month). The other friend has set a goal to post once per month.

Here’s the crazy part. I post 150+ per month.

Quantity versus quality. It’s not a competition. More isn’t always better. So why so many?

Simply this. I am driven. Driven to serve (and I’m fairly inadequate at it). The Internet is my soapbox. God’s message of Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy is the purpose. Are ya with me?


jeff is different from jeff – But you already knew that right? If you didn’t, they are different.

jeff is about our spiritual being.

jeff is about the need for a small business entrepreneur to have an “office”, or “warehouse”, or “headquarters”, on the Internet.

If you are an aspiring business person, you’ll readily understand this. If you’re a casual reader, first of all, thank you for your interest. For a small time guy, trying to help others in a big time way, creativity and courage are two fundamental ingredients. Everyone understands that.

Got Christmas?

Got Christmas? It’s not for another 2 1/2 months. Who’s got time to focus on Christmas, right?

What if we did have time to focus on Christmas? I mean, not just in December, but more often. Way more often.

“We come to know the true meaning of Christmas when we learn to celebrate it every day”. — unknown

PS. Merry Christmas. 🙂

Is This Your Year?

Is this your year to do something great?

Hope so.

It sure has been a great year of blogging. The blogging has been inspired by the realization that the clock is ticking.

If this hasn’t been “your year”, why not? What needs to change? What is the missing link?

If we knew this, maybe we’d be acting on it already. Not necessarily. For example, I know what I need to do. But doing it is the hard part.

New Year’s resolutions. They hardly ever work. So start making plans to do it differently. Start now. Today. Seriously.