Go to Lane 8

Please don’t sell yourself short. Click here to go to www.Lane8.org. Don’t be a chicken $hit.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS. You need to see the Nike Courage You Tube clip I posted. If it doesn’t inspire you, head to the emergency room asap.

How Long Has It Been Since You’ve….

How long has it been since you’ve seen each other?, I asked, as they finished hugging in front of me, and they turned to leave. I was sitting at the gate, waiting, with my laptop fired up – but my mind running on fumes.

“Nine months”!, the soldier said, smiling.

I turned to the businessman sitting next to me and said, “I guess I’ll be okay if I don’t get home until tomorrow”.

We are sitting at the Minneapolis airport and have connecting flights. It’s looking like we will not depart on time. He has 35 minutes to connect in Atlanta. I have 55. We talked briefly about maybe not making it home until tomorrow.

As we talked about the impending delay, we both felt a bit of potential, and real, inconvenience.

Until we saw them.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

And The Question Is…….?

The question, to the answer, “To Love and Be Loved”.

Drum roll please……………

“What is the meaning of Life”?

Before our son was born, I had a dream where I was about 65 years old, and our son, now eight, was older, maybe in his twenties, and he asked me, very seriously and deliberately, “Dad, what’s the meaning of Life”?

And I looked at him him the way everyone looks when asked the World’s most important question – dumbfounded, confused, and embarrassed – and said,“Hmmm. That’s a great question. I don’t know”.

Or worse yet, I attempt some long-winded answer, that is just a disguise to my ignorance and lack of forethought and preparation.

“Pathetic”, is the first thing I thought of as I analyzed this dream.

“How can you not know, Dad”? My son sadly asks. “How can you not know after all these years”?, he mutters.

Then I wake up. It was only a dream. Thank God it was only a dream.

Or was it? Hmmm……. Carpe Diem, jeff noel 🙂

World’s Most Important Question?

What’s the World’s most important question?

No, it’s not, “How much is this gonna cost me”? 🙂

Most people don’t even ponder these sorts of things.

Me? I can’t stop thinking about this kind of stuff.


Not sure exactly.

The ANSWER to the world’s most important question is……..

“To Love and be Loved”!

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal the QUESTION.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

A Good Cry?

ABC, Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. This show can humble me beyond belief.

Last night was no exception. Why?

Have you not seen the show?

It makes me cry every time I watch it with my family, which is almost every Sunday night.

I cry, not so much for the featured Family’s situation, as I do for the way the people who help are impacted.

The builder from last night’s show – looked to be 50 to 60 years old – said, “I’ll never do anything the same”.

Let’s assume he was already a good man. What is the significance of a good man saying, “I’ll never do anything the same”?

To see a fellow human being be so moved by a simple act of compassion, almost always makes me cry.

A good cry, to be sure. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂