Are you willing to walk away?

Nautical art on Disney World restaurant wall
Columbia Harbor House art at Magic Kingdom


Authenticity definition
The quiet movement happen right now is called authenticity.


Are you willing to burn the ships, to walk away?

To walk away from trying to conform to what you think the world, your Family, your spouse, etc. wants from you?

There is a quiet movement underway.

It’s called authenticity.

See photo above and do a quick personal inventory and give yourself grade.

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Ever feel guilty for feeling great?

Steve Jobs Mid Life Celebration phone
Steve Jobs with Mid Life Celebration’s iconic red old-school phone.


Feeling guilty about feeling so good?

Ever feel guilty for feeling great?

Crazy thing though, the problems challenges faced in midlife are bigger than in our previous decades.

What’s different is our wisdom, strength, and patience to manage the stuff that’s in our control.

Self confidence grows through strenuous self examination.

It’s our job to master this and hone what works best for us.

Self examination can be steadily grown, even accelerated. Writing and speaking help.

And what helps even more is the time consuming preparation required to write and speak authentically.

How i do it and how you do it could be polar opposites.

Pretty cool huh?

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Pray for Kenya.
Photo from Facebook feed.


Pray for Kenya
Photo from Facebook feed.


The question needs to move from:

Why did this happen?


Why isn’t the world doing a better job to stop it?


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Don’t let what we can’t do stop us from what we can

Food For Families Easter Sunday deliveries
A ghost town.


Food For Families 2015 Easter deliveries
Ghost town.


Food For Families 2015 Easter deliveries
Some people did not answer their door.


In 40+ volunteer opportunities since 1999, we’ve never seen a ghost town turnout. It was eerie.

We saw four staff. We were the only car in line.

Normally dozens of cars and dozens of staff.

The staff filled our van with food boxes and off we went. The question came up, “Do we go back and do more?”

We did what we could do, which may not seem like a lot. And because it might not seem like a lot, there is always the temptation to not even bother in the first place.

Don’t let what we can’t do stop us from what we can.

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