A $600 pen makes total sense

Best Inspirational Speakers


(photo: Who needs a $600 pen? Important, successful people probably.)

Orlando’s Mall at Millenia is decadent.

Material things are great at giving people a sense of something because we can see, taste, hear, touch, or taste them.

This tangible proof wouldn’t lie.


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God is always one heartbeat, one single breath, away

Orlando Based Inspirational Speakers


(photo: There is one public Bible at Walt Disney World… can you tell from the photo where?)

They arrested the teen, the mom, and will probably arrest the dad.

A massive Police conversion on the 4,500 square foot mansion on the lake.


Praying this good Family can recover and move forward in an entirely different way.

God is the only way for this to be even remotely possible.

They will never feel close to God until they accept personal responsibility for moving away.

God is always one heartbeat, one single breath, away.


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The person you tell yourself you can’t be

Orlando Inspirational speakers


(photo: Another accidental photo from yesterday. This one from an 80-minute run behind Walt Disney World before going to Gold’s Gym.)

Is your life organized enough so that you can occasionally push yourself?

Congrats if it is.

Prayers if it’s not.

Expect one set back after another. That’s what every successful person (that you tell yourself you can never be) does.


Yes, successful people have a key trait that is developed through trial and error.

It’s called perseverance.

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One word becomes infinitely more powerful with just two others

Orlando Inspirational Keynote Speakers


(photo: Paths aren’t always in the country. They can be sidewalks and streets. Even hallways.)

Prayer is like a well-worn hiking path in the country. There was never a path, but when many people walk on it, the trail comes to be.

The reason many travel it is because of where it leads – to something worth going to.

Praying without ceasing helps us see why the phrase without ceasing is part of pray.

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