Don’t give up on God if you’re unable to attend Church

Disney landscape
a simple walk to the roof for fresh air can reveal untold blessings we take for granted


Don’t give up on God if you’re unable to attend Church. Truth be told, we’ve been missing quite a few Sunday Masses.

What frightens me is how easy it is to rationalize the absence, which then leads to another… and another.

God, so mercifully, provides us with unlimited opportunities for “Church” all day, everyday. Let’s use that to sustain us between physical visits.

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It’s becoming more apparent he’s a fair weather Christian

broken spirit
Apple can help solve many big problems, but not the broken spirit (right?)


It’s becoming more apparent he’s a fair weather Christian.

The healthy have no need of a physician. Jesus came to heal the hurting, not those basking in spiritual health – for they have no need.

He’s hurting, but he doesn’t listen to his doctor. Not even sure he knows who his doctor is.


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The Pope is on Twitter

Everybody's using social media, even the Pope
Everybody’s using social media, even the Pope


The Pope. Twitter. Heard last week he is joining Twitter. Better late than never. Right.

Why join Twitter?

Perhaps it’s not that the Pope is embracing social media. Perhaps the Pope continues to embrace the people, and people embrace social media.

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Note: This was written before the Pope announced his resignation.

And if we aren’t connected yet on Twitter, go here.

The most influential man in history and why

unconditional love
man’s best friend for a reason – unconditional love (same with Jesus)


The most influential man in history? Jesus.

Why? No other person, ever, has left such a compelling argument that Love is all that matters. That there is no place for violence, for any reason.


That forgiveness, for even the most heinous sin, is possible.

That’s literally impossible to comprehend.

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If you don’t get a miracle – be one. -Nick Vujicic

Wednesday. Hump day. Busy day. Busy week. Busy life. It can wear a person thin. Too thin. Too often. Sometimes, hope seems tiny…

There’s not a person immune from this. None. Zip. Zilch. Zeeee-row.

I know we’re are busy, which is exactly why this 6.5 minute video is something we can’t possibly have time for.

Unless we desperately need to feel a seed of hope.


Praying for the world everyday. And today, especially for you, reading this right now.

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