Living in the moment?

An interesting discovery… my hotel is on Thoreau Drive… what does this mean, if anything?

Living in the moment? I do not want to get to the end of life and realize I had not begun to live.

Spent the past 24 hours together with friend I haven’t worked with in years. She told me she thinks I really live in the moment.

Am only telling you this because in 53 years, no one has made that specific comment. Wondering if positive change begun in earnest 13 years ago is now noticeable.

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One day at a time Lord, one day at a time

Cooper is great at living day to day… he’s my hero

One day at a time Lord, one day at a time. Sometimes it’s challenging to think of the future, or to enjoy the moment, because of the overwhelming and relentless pressure to do it all.

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Photo: yesterday after lunch

It would be easier to not volunteer at Church

a short reading doesn’t mean an easy reading

It would be easier to not volunteer at Church. Children’s Liturgy once a month, Lector twice a month. Add work travel, small business startup, exercise, home ownership, father, husband… So yeah, it would be much easier to not volunteer at Church.

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Is this man unbalanced?

90 minutes earlier, we walked past this man and I wondered what he did, and why
reality blogging
real life in real time…
mission work
man on a mission? (the one sitting or the photographer?)
preaching in the street
a bull horn, a Bible, a radio, and a plastic milk crate
the past
looking back is part of life, the past is a great teacher

Is this man unbalanced? He’s been preaching on this very corner for 12 years, and 30 years total in the French Quarter. Awesome right? And isn’t our body a temple? On a quick, honest glance, does it look like he honors that? Just asking. Greatness in one choice at the expense of another would be like an Olympic athlete, spiritually bankrupt.

His name is Keith and we spoke for a about a minute, while a friend waited patiently – we were on a time schedule.

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