
Powerful, Hopeful Dreams
Powerful, Hopeful Dreams

Do you volunteer to help out where you can?

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?

Most people never do. They intend to, but life gets in the way.

After Mass yesterday, where I volunteered (10 years now) as a Lector, I went looking for Father Ennis. Based on a post last week, I wanted to tell him something.

Something he needs to hear.

Something he probably doesn’t hear nearly enough.

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Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to feel pain

Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to feel pain.

It will take two days of creative writing to fill the calendar gap created by deleting “Disney” posts and adding brand new posts where i had written but not posted.

Really didn’t plan on doing this until today – November 24, 2017.

The original goal today was to review the unpublished (and unscheduled) drafts on all five main websites.

Eight hours later, i’m still writing.

Email Overload & God Tube

What Do Weeds & Email Have In Common?
What Do Weeds & Email Have In Common?

Was so tempted yesterday to just delete an email (one of many), but for some reason, found myself reading and enjoying it.

The bonus, at the end of the email was a link to this God Tube video from The Skit Guys, both of which I had never heard of before.

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Houston, We Have A Problem

Sitting in the Houston International airport, waiting to board a plane to Atlanta, then another to Walt Disney World (home), and reflecting on this visit. There are many “problems” in Houston. Big “problems”. Medical “problems”.

Cancer from A to Z. A cornucopia of life-threatening illnesses. Infants, toddlers, children, youth, young adults, middle-age, seniors. There is no discrimination here.

Everywhere you look, there are hospitals and medical centers catering to those in need. Houston, you may have a problem, but you have a ton of dedicated and committed people working 24/7 to solve it.

Houston, you figured it out before and you’ll do it again. Please keep doing “work that matters”.

To the rest of us, are we “problem” solvers or simply a problem?

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