Our focus feeds our belief

Robot sculpture and drawing
Humans, obviously, are not programmed to be perfect.


We see what we want to see.

Maybe more people would believe in an unseen God if they focused on an immeasurably loving God rather than on the ridiculously imperfect humans trying to be good and decent people.

Our image and definition is influenced by what we focus on.

If we focus on what appears to be hypocritical, flawed individuals, then of course it’s a losing proposition.

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The paradox of truth

Disney Motivational Keynote Speaker
A Mid Life Celebration advocate created this and posted it on LinkedIn.


Look around.

The paradox of truth is the difference between fact and belief.

Belief is the key, not fact.

There are things that no one can visibly prove, because critical, tangible facts will never be seen.

Show us a picture of God. Impossible.

Yet we can unhesitatingly believe in the impossible, or we can adamantly not believe in these mysteries.

It comes down to the simple choice of believing or not believing.

Show us a picture of faith, hope, and love.

It’s up to us to decide if these are fact or fiction.

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How many of our days are we living “for real”?

Map My Run mile splits
Screen shot from yesterday’s run.


Anything is possible to those who believe. Right?

Knowing this is one thing. But knowing is different than doing. Without doing, it’s closer to being imaginary.

Doing it is different – it becomes real.

How many of our days are we living “for real”?

Does this apply to exercise? Should it?

First four miles of intentional negative splits (each gets faster than the one before).

Next, three miles of settling into a comfortable pace, not knowing how far the run will be.

Notice mile eight was significantly faster than all the other miles.

Haven’t run eight miles in 30+ years.

Ran a cool down ninth mile and then walked nearly two more miles to return to the car.

In your service to others, don’t forget to serve yourself.

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Breathe like you mean it

Cat in a window


(photo: Last night at school. Cats are not very good swimmers.)

Let’s get drunk on love.

Six days until the Messiah comes.

Hmmm, Messiah.

Can this even be comprehended?

Not really.

But when we try to as desperately as trying to reach the water’s surface for our next breath, we get really, really close.

Breathe like you mean it.

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